UC regents urged to divest in fossil fuels


By Joseph Perkins | Cal Watchdog

The scene brought to mind Tom Wolfe’s essay “Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers,” which was published all the way back in 1970, when young Jerry Brown was a member of the Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees.

Wolfe’s non-fiction essay was set at San Francisco’s Office of Economic Activity, where government functionaries – flak catchers – kowtowed to community activist types issuing one demand or another.

Fast forward to the recent meet-up of the University of California’s Board of Regents at the Sacramento Convention Center.

Outside the meeting room, a few dozen student activists from a group that calls itself Fossil Free UC noisily demanded that the regents – latter day flak catchers – divest the system’s $7.7 billion general endowment fund of fossil fuel investments.

Read more at Cal Watchdog.

Column: UC regents urged to divest in fossil fuels