Hillary Clinton On Benghazi Protest: "What Difference Does It Make"
In response to stern questioning from Senator Ron Johnson on the question of whether or not the attack on the...
In response to stern questioning from Senator Ron Johnson on the question of whether or not the attack on the...
Yesterday I wrote a post responding to a Grand Forks Herald editorial that was, in turn, a response to a...
Today is the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court making abortion a "right," and since that day there have been...
It may seem shocking to us today in this era where the idea that the existence of guns in society...
Senate Democrats, who apparently think budgeting is like inaugurating presidents in that it's only to happen every four years, have...
Via Gateway Pundit, there were 405 coalition casualties in Afghanistan in 2012, and 310 of them were Americans (72% of...
It might go something like this (via Instapundit): To buy or operate a standard car, one will have to be...
Here's an excellent video from Reason detailing five facts about guns that are pretty devastating to the case for tough...
Why reduce spending when you can just print more money? First of all, we have the weird and destructive institution...
“If it wasn’t for Fannie and Freddie, would have been a small problem," Wells Fargo CEO Richard Kovacevich told CNBC...