Poll: 69% Say They Would Have Liked To Have Been Armed During Boston Manhunt


Over the weekend, as the manhunt for the younger Tsarnaev was on-going in Boston, I wondered if a significant number of people living through that nightmare were wishing they had a gun in the house.

Turns out, according to a Fox News poll, that yes most Americans would want a gun in their house to protect against a dangerous criminal possibly coming to their door in that situation:

If you were in that situation, would you want a gun at your side?

Most American voters say yes, according to a new Fox News poll.

Sixty-nine percent say if they were in a situation similar to Bostonians, they would want a gun in their house.

That includes a large 88-percent majority of those in gun-owner households, as well as 50 percent of those in non-gun homes. …

In general, more voters think protecting the constitutional right to own a gun is a higher priority than protecting citizens from gun violence (53-42 percent). That’s mostly unchanged since January, when it was 51-40 percent.

As it happened, Massachusetts tough gun control laws – some of the toughest in the nation according to gun control activists – didn’t stop the Tsarnaev brothers from stockpiling a weapons cache they used to fight cops. But it has undoubtedly lowered the number of law-abiding citizens who are armed and capable of defending themselves should someone dangerous like that show up.

Gun control doesn’t keep guns out of the hands of criminals. It keeps law-abiding citizens unarmed.