Plain Talk: Nobel laureate says Biden canceling Keystone pipeline was ‘symbol’ that led to higher gas prices


MINOT, N.D. — When President Joe Biden, as one of his first moves in office, canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, it was “a symbol” for the oil and gas industry that the political situation would be hostile to them in the coming years.

That lead them to curtail their investments in new production capacity, something that, per Smith, speaking on this episode of Plain Talk, is now contributing to higher fuel prices and a higher cost of living for Americans.

Cheap energy is of enormous interest, not just to Americans but to the whole world, Dr. Smith says. “Cheap energy is the solution to poverty,” he said, casting the debates on energy issues as a “conflict between the reduction of poverty and the interest in reducing carbon emissions.”

Though he says the world can’t ignore climate issues, he has a hard time ranking them above the goal of lifting people out of poverty.

Dr. Smith has also done extensive research in the role of trust, love, and empathy in a society, and spoke about those issues in the context of our low-trust society and political environment.

He will be speaking about these topics more at a Tuesday, May 3, talk sponsored by North Dakota State University’s Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth. If you want to participate in Dr. Smith’s lecture, which will be part of the Menard Family Distinguished Speakers Series, visit the Challey Institute’s page on the NDSU website .