Plain Talk: Congressman Armstrong Tells Critics “I Had an Oil Well in My First Campaign Ad”


Congressman Kelly Armstrong has come under fire this week for his background working and investing in the oil industry. Some say it should disqualify him from serving on a House committee tasked with addressing climate change.

“Congratulations to the D.C. media. It took them two months to figure out I’m in the oil industry,” Armstrong said on this episode of Plain Talk. He added that those ties were no secret. “I had an oil well in my first campaign ad,” he said.

North Dakota Democrats put out a press release criticizing Armstrong’s business background. Read the release, Armstrong said “We don’t tell farmers they can’t be involved in ag policy.”

Also, the Legislature recently sent a bill to Governor Doug Burgum which, if signed, would open the door to local governments assessing higher fines for traffic violations. Supporters say it’s about safety not revenue. If that’s true, why not dedicate the revenues to a trust fund instead of the city treasury?

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