Petitioner at the heart of term limits controversy has signatures for candidacy rejected as well
MINOT, N.D. — Charles Tuttle, of Minot, is a political activist and professional signature gatherer for various ballot measure campaigns.
He is at the heart of controversy over a term limits ballot measure that was rejected by Secretary of State Al Jaeger’s office over problems with the signature gathering process, including alleged fraud.
The term limits campaign, which had employed Tuttle to gather signatures, is currently using a lawyer who pursued disgraced former President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud to sue the state of North Dakota over their measure’s rejection .
Last week a district court judge, tasked by the state Supreme Court with reviewing the evidence in the case, issued a ruling in favor of the state’s decision to reject the ballot measure .
As a part of a criminal investigation into that matter, Tuttle’s home was searched by law enforcement agents .