Ouch: Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Marvin Nelson Gets Less Than $17,000 In Contributions
TOM STROMME/Tribune Rep. Marvin Nelson (D-Rolla) speaks to the 2016 North Dakota Democratic-NPL party state convention while accepting the party endorsement for governor.
Democratic candidate Marvin Nelson has filed his pre-primary campaign finance report today, and it paints an ugly picture for both his candidacy and his political party.
All together Nelson received $16,409 in contributions, including $11,150 in contributions over the $200 reporting threshold. Which is a paltry level of support to the point of being embarrassing.
You can read the full report below, and it’s a short read. There were less than a dozen reported contributors, all from North Dakota.
As a point of comparison, the Stenehjem for Governor campaign reported over $244,000 in contributions in their 2015 year-end report filed in January (they haven’t filed their pre-primary report yet). The Doug Burgum campaign reported nearly $1 million in contributions in their pre-primary report filed yesterday.
Nobody was expecting Nelson, who represents a thoroughly marginalized state Democratic party, to set a fundraising record. But you’d think he could do better than this.
But with some big-money Democrats in the state fundraising for Burgum, who is running on the Republican ticket, that’s probably drawing from Nelson’s support.
In related gubernatorial race news, fringe Republican candidate Paul Sorum has raised just $100 in contributions. Libertarian Party candidate Marty Riske has raised the same. Neither man had any contributions reaching the $200 reporting threshold, obviously.
Here is Nelson’s full disclosure:
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