North Dakota Clinic Director: Criticism Of Abortion Is "Disgusting," Heart Beat Bill Adds "Stigma" To Abortion


Tammi Kromenaker, director of the Red River Women’s Clinic (a ghoulishly fitting title, especially with the Kermit Gosnell trial in the headlines), was on MSNBC last night suggesting that criticism of abortion is “disgusting.”

“When a woman doesn’t want to be pregnant, she’ll go through hell, high water in North Dakota — blizzards, floods, you know, she’ll hit a deer on the way, and have a flat tire and say, ‘Can I still come?’” Kromenaker told Rachel Maddow. “When a woman doesn’t want to be pregnant, she’ll do what she needs to do. And unfortunately it just adds to the stigma that women feel when they hear all of these things about heart beat, sex selection, genetic abnormality.”

“The stigma is disgusting,” she added.

For what it’s worth, shouldn’t killing an unborn child with a heart beat have a stigma attached? We’re often told by pro-choice folks that they’re against abortion, but for the right to choose an abortion.

But isn’t that sort of, you know, putting a stigma on abortion if they truly believe that?

What I suspect, what saddens me, is that most of them don’t really mean that. Rather, they believe in what Kromenaker believes, which is guilt-free abortion even for purposes of eugenics.