Jim Kasper: Fargo Forum Inaccurately Described My Position On Preschool Bill

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It is apparent that Jack Zaleski and the Forum editorial committee has no clue about the 2015 Legislative session and how Legislators  vote and what we do and do not support.

Take the editorial in the April 15th Forum, whereby it states: ” Opposition in the North Dakota Legislature to a good early childhood education bill, (SB 2151) is about as shortsighted and myopic as it gets. Led primarily by Rep. Ben Koppelman, R-West Fargo, and Rep. Jim Kasper, R-Fargo, the opponents seem determined to send a message that allowing 3- and 4-year old children to get an early and beneficial start on learning amounts to a sinister plot to destroy the family.”

The truth of the matter is that I voted for SB 2151 on April 15th, have never been involved with any effort whatsoever to kill SB 2151, and have not engaged in any discussion with any Legislative colleagues of either party regarding SB 2151.

As usual, Zaleski and his editorial cronies did not contact me regarding my views on SB 2151.

It is apparent that the Editorial board had no clue about where I stood on SB 2151 and frankly, based upon this editorial as well as previous editorials disparaging my actions, have no clue about a lot of the facts regarding my views and the entire  2015 Legislative session.

Knowing Zaleski, I suspect he will not have the courage nor decency to publish this response verbatim, but then what can one expect from someone who really cares little for truth and facts and instead sinks to personal attacks to embellish his biased political agenda and to carry the water for the liberal agenda here in North Dakota.