Heidi Heitkamp Still Has Over $4.5 Million in Her Senate Campaign, and How She’s Been Spending It Will Raise Some Eyebrows
There was a $2,700 bill at the Acqua Al 2 restaurant in Washington, D.C. There were also big tabs at the London West Hollywood restaurant in Beverly Hills, the ultra-fancy Mayflower Hotel in D.C., and the Napa Valley Grille in Los Angeles. On top of that, there was more than $6,700 spent at Schneider’s of Capitol Hill, a Washington D.C., liquor store.
Heitkamp also spent over $3,700 on lodging with Airbnb around Thanksgiving time as well as nearly $600 at the Salamander Spa, a luxury resort in Virginia’s horse and wine country.
There was also $70,000 in payments (the last $10,000 installment made in mid-December) for “consulting” to Tessa Gould, Heitkamp’s former chief-of-staff in her Senate office and campaign manager. This, despite Gould having worked at Forbes Tate Partners, a Washington D.C., lobbying firm, since March 2019.