Guest Post: The Obsession Is About Life
This guest post was submitted by Linda Thorson, the North Dakota state director for Concerned Women of America
Ms Ahlin claims no good can come of Senator Janne Myrdal’s (Republican—District 10) fixation on abortion. Her fixation, described as strange, was demonstrated by the amendment Myrdal offered to the higher education challenge matching grant program for the State Board of Higher Education. Ms. Ahlin claims the amendment is an afront to academic freedom.
A state entity partnering with an abortion provider and the leader of the abortion lobby is not only an affront to North Dakotans, but also against the law. The amendment, taken from the ND Century code, demonstrates a commitment to the value of life.
In 2019, eighty-nine legislators signed a letter, which asked for an explanation about ties between Planned Parenthood and NDSU through the “Safe Spaces” course. Are all these legislators obsessed with abortion, too?
The Safe Spaces for (K-12) teachers, offered again in August 2021 is taught by Katie Christensen, the State Director of External Affairs, Planned Parenthood, North Central States. Materials recommended for children includes, It’s perfectly Normal by Robbie Harris. The book for elementary aged children contains graphic drawings of female and male anatomy and covers topics such as sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral, and anal sex), abortion and homosexuality.
Yes, Senator Myrdal is obsessed. Her obsession about life and a healthy educational environment for our children is shared by most of her peers in the legislature. Voters in Senator Myrdal’s district share her ideological obsession about life as well. On November 3, 2021, Myrdal won 74.4% of the votes in her re-election campaign. Perhaps the strange part is that these facts escape Ms. Ahlin.