Guest Post: Port Lacks Understanding and Compassion


Dear Bob,

This message is in regard to your 4/5 article titled “The Truth is, not many people like women’s hockey”. I wanted to respond earlier but needed to get calmed down a bit.

Your column “Say Anything” tells me that your attitude is basically immature.

We only could possibly expect such an attitude from a very young child.

Besides the immaturity, you seem to have a very narrow view of issues, lack foresight, show your complete ignorance in regard to higher education, and try to be as hurtful as possible.

[mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″]Besides the immaturity, you seem to have a very narrow view of issues, lack foresight, show your complete ignorance in regard to higher education, and try to be as hurtful as possible.[/mks_pullquote]

Can you imagine how hurtful your article was to our past, our current, our prospective players and our great coaches? Can you imagine how hurtful it was for the Lamoureux twins who came to UND from a great Minnesota program to help build a very strong team? You apparently haven’t spent years, great effort and made huge sacrifices perfecting something only to have someone destroy that with a stroke of a pen.

Your article in the paper this Sunday also indicates that you really don’t understand the importance of strong athletic programs. You cannot expect a college sport to be able to totally support itself. It is worth spending some money because this money spent provides UND with a great amount of extremely beneficial public relations which ends up more than returning the investment that was made in those sports.

The UND Womens’ Hockey team is a champion team. Look at their track record, see how many of our players play in the Olympics and World sports, see how many of these athletes are superior students majoring in engineering, physical therapy and many other very demanding programs. Think how much these players bring to the table including huge donations from dedicated fans.

We know this team and the coaching staff quite well and can assure you that they are all first class in every respect. If your articles have to be so negative and hurtful, perhaps the Herald should consider someone who would write with more understanding and compassion.