Congressman Kevin Cramer To Officially Endorse Donald Trump


I just arrived at the NDGOP convention this morning, and the press release below just dropped in my inbox.

Cramer has been flirting with a Trump endorsement for weeks now, but I guess he’s making it official.

It’s a controversial move. So much so that some delegates at the convention are making noises about a primary challenge. One example from a Fargo-area delegate:

That seems unlikely. Cramer is technically facing a challenge today from Minot resident Duane Hendrickson, but Hendrickson runs every cycle and isn’t someone delegates or voters would take seriously.

Also, the deadline for putting a candidate on the state’s June primary ballot is April 11.

I suspect what might have put Cramer over the top on endorsing Trump is that his Democratic opponent, Chase Iron Eyes who was endorsed yesterday, said part of his motivation for runnning was Cramer’s support of the national candidate:

Iron Eyes said Cramer’s apparent support for GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump also enticed him to run for Congress.

“Part of why I’m seeking the endorsement is because I think that the Republicans are having to question themselves. They’re having an identity crisis because of Donald Trump. Reasonable Republicans having to be asking themselves, how did this happen?” he said.

“Trump represents a lot of fear, a lot of ignorance … the antithesis to the social evolution that is our country,” he added. “We need to take steps forward, not backward.”

I think Cramer’s kind of saying, “Oh yeah, watch this…” And why wouldn’t he? It’s not like there’s a big chance he’s going to lose. Especially when polling shows Trump to be a fairly popular candidate among North Dakotans.

For my part, I’m disappointed. Trump isn’t good for Republicans, and isn’t good for America.

UPDATE: Cramer’s Libertarian Party candidate isn’t terribly impressed either:

UPDATE: Cramer’s Democratic opponent Chase Iron Eyes, who has suggested in the past that Native Americans should maybe mount an armed occupation of the Black Hills, is calling the endorsement an act of extremism:

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