Did The Plot Against Hamid Shirvani Backfire?
Yesterday the Senate passed an amended version of HCR3047, and today the House agreed to those amendments on a 55-34...
Yesterday the Senate passed an amended version of HCR3047, and today the House agreed to those amendments on a 55-34...
According to opinion editor Tom Dennis at the Grand Forks Herald, what higher education in North Dakota needs is Commission...
There are a lot of excellent reasons to be skeptical of building the Fargo flood diversion project. The fact that...
With 10 days left until the legislature must meet its 80 day constitutional limit, efforts to figure out how to...
The third time was a charm for higher ed reform in the state Senate today. After an amended version of...
About the only bright spot for tax relief this legislative session was a half-billion dollar package of corporate and personal...
Before the legislative session began, NDSU announced that they were selling the expensive and controversial airplane they have at the...
The Senate has approved their version of a pay package for state employees, giving them 7% in raises in the...
Last night's debut on KFYR television for weekend/anchor reporter A.J. Clemente didn't go so hot. Last night KFYR posted on...
Sad but true is the fact that almost every major city in North Dakota is on a river. Minot,Grand Forks,...