If Democrats Want More Say Over North Dakota’s Budget They Should Try Winning Some Elections
Last week Governor Doug Burgum released budget guidelines which called for state agencies to prepare for more budget cuts in...
Last week Governor Doug Burgum released budget guidelines which called for state agencies to prepare for more budget cuts in...
Democratic House candidate Mac Schneider took a swipe at Big Banking, and the Trump tax cuts, with this tweet this...
Over at the University of North Dakota professor Mark Trahant - a journalism professor, albeit one sharply biased in favor...
Yesterday I wrote a post wondering if North Dakota Democrats - U.S. Senate candidate Heidi Heitkamp and U.S. House candidate...
Recently Cliff Rosenberger, until just recently the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, resigned his position after saying he'd...
A hallmark of Governor Doug Burgum's time in office so far are events his office has orchestrated on topics ranging...
After losing the House race endorsement to Kelly Armstrong at the NDGOP state convention earlier this month Tom Campbell, after...
I think the University of North Dakota made the right decision when they closed down the women's hockey program. The...
The Senate Leadership Fund, a political action committee tied to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, put out an ad recently...
Yesterday during his testimony before a Senate committee Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg responded to questioning from Senator Ted...