
In addition to thousands of others from around the world, there were 37 North Dakotans running the marathon today.

There are already reports of injuries and deaths. The Boston PD is reporting that the explosions are the result of two bombs, with a third suspicious object detonated by bomb squads.

If you want to find out who was running today, and from where, click here.

Update: We don’t know who set the bombs yet, or why, but the New York Times Nicholas Kristof already knows who to blame. Republicans, naturally.

Also, I don’t even know what to say about this.

Update: Five bombs total:

Update: Less than an hour after the bombing, and in addition to Mr. Kristof we have an Esquire blogger making allusions to a McVeigh-like figure “watering the tree of liberty” and Politico already reporting on the politicization of the bombing. All before we even know who did it and why.

Update: Cops may have a suspect in custody.

Update: The New York Post confirms a suspect in custody:

Authorities have a identified a suspect, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds.

Update: More photos, including some very graphic ones.

Update: Another explosion in Boston, this time at the JFK Library:

Update: On-the-ground video:

Update: More photos, very graphic.

Update: Cell service shut down.

Update: The New York Post reports that authorities have ID’d the suspect in custody as a Saudi national, though the veracity of that report is being questioned. Also reporting that police have video of a suspect bringing multiple backpacks to the bombing area.