Audio: New NDGOP Youth Leader Says Trump Has Created “New Wave” of Excitement Among Young Voters


Last week the North Dakota Republican Party announced the creation of a new position, that of Chairman of the North Dakota Young Republicans.

Named to fill that position is 18 year old Langdon student Dawson Schefter who has a laundry list of accomplishments not the least of which is owning his own sign business for the last two years.

This is something new for the NDGOP, so I had Dawson on my radio show today to chat about his job.

Young people are usually seen as a political group which can be vocal in some ways – they like to be active on social media and even showing up to protests – but who ultimately don’t engage on the sort of things which can actually win elections. Schefter says he thinks President Donald Trump’s candidacy helped changed that for Republicans last year.

“We owe some credit to President Trump for creating a new wave of excitement,” Schefter told me.

He added another perception he’d like to end is that “most young people lean left.” He said in his experience most young people tend to be “down the middle,” and that in North Dakota specifically young people “lean right when the political winds start blowing.”

Here’s our full interview:

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