Audio: Gov. Dalrymple Says Obama Administration Has Made #NoDAPL Situation More Dangerous


Police use a water cannon on protesters during a protest near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

I had Governor Jack Dalrymple on my radio show today (subscribe to the podcast) and we discussed the latest news from the #NoDAPL protests.

Over the holiday weekend the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced a line in the sand for protesters, telling them they had until December 5 to vacate unpermitted camps on Corps property, but two days later the Corps was saying they wouldn’t actually enforce the eviction.

Dalrymple told me he was disappointed in the flip flop. “It’s really a shame,” he told me.

The Governor also said that those hoping winter weather might cool down the protests shouldn’t count on it. “We should not underestimate their determination to stay here,” he told me pointing out that the protesters have already been living in some harsh conditions in the camps.

I also asked Dalrymple if he felt delays from the federal government – whether it’s the Obama administration withholding a final easement for the pipeline to cross Lake Oahe or the Corps dragging its feet in addressing the aforementioned camps – was making this situation more dangerous.

“Yes absolutely,” Dalrymple responded. “It prolongs a bad situation.”

Here’s the full audio:

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