Wrigley launches attorney general campaign with emphasis on law and order


North Dakota Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley meets with The Forum editorial board Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016, in Fargo. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor

MINOT, N.D. — There are a lot of things a candidate running for attorney general in North Dakota could make their campaign about.

Our attorney general does a lot of things, after all.

The AG is a regulator, serving alongside the governor and the agriculture commissioner on the Industrial Commission which, among other things, oversees oil and gas development. The Attorney General’s Office regulates charitable gaming and concealed carry permits, and licensing for everything from alcohol retailers to fireworks wholesalers also go through that office.

The AG is, of course, an attorney too. When the State of North Dakota is sued, or files suit, it’s the attorney general who handles the litigation. That’s an important gig given how much our policy gets made in courtrooms these days. The AG also provides legal counsel to the various state agencies.

Open records and open meetings laws are enforced by the attorney general. When some public entity is being something less than transparent with the public, it’s the AG who calls them out on it.

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