Plain Talk Live: A Campaign to Make Amending North Dakota’s Constitution Harder


A group calling itself Protect North Dakota’s Constitution held a press conference today announcing a ballot measure campaign aimed at making changes to North Dakota’s constitution a bit harder.

Currently, outside of a greater number of signatures required on petitions for constitutional measures, it’s as easy to amend the state constitution at the ballot box as it is to amend statute.

This group wants that to change.

“PNDC is proposing a constitutional measure proposed by the legislature or as an initiated measure should address a single issue and receive sixty percent or more of the votes cast in a statewide election for it to be approved,” they state in a press release.

The co-chairs of this campaign are Williston resident Jeff Zarling and retired North Dakota National Guard General Mike Haugen.

Zarling will join me on this episode of Plain Talk Live at 1 p.m. to discuss the proposal.

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